This post will be helpful when there is a need to reprocess high number of instance due to any server outage or data source outage.
Query to retrieve the payload from back end tables:
select Document from (select Document From Xml_Document Where 1 = 1 and Document_Id in (select document_id from document_ci_ref where cikey in (Select B.Cikey From Composite_Instance A, Cube_Instance B Where A.Ecid = B.Ecid And Nvl(A.Conversation_Id,'A') = Nvl(B.Conversation_Id,'A') And Id = #Composite Instance ID)) order by doc_partition_date) a where rownum <=1
Write a Java program that automates the reprocessing job :-
Query to retrieve the payload from back end tables:
select Document from (select Document From Xml_Document Where 1 = 1 and Document_Id in (select document_id from document_ci_ref where cikey in (Select B.Cikey From Composite_Instance A, Cube_Instance B Where A.Ecid = B.Ecid And Nvl(A.Conversation_Id,'A') = Nvl(B.Conversation_Id,'A') And Id = #Composite Instance ID)) order by doc_partition_date) a where rownum <=1
Write a Java program that automates the reprocessing job :-
- Connect to SOA infra database
- Retrive the payload using above query
- Convert the blob to string
- Add SOA envelope to the retrived payload
- Generate the end point url using the values from cube instance table for this particular composite
- use HTTP post to invoke the composite
Above steps is just a way to automate the reprocessing, you can use this query and automate in any other possible way as well.
Code snippet to convert the blob to string...
Blob blob = payloadDetail.getBLOB("DOCUMENT");
BinXMLStream inpbin = proc.createBinXMLStream(blob);
BinXMLDecoder dec = inpbin.getDecoder();
InfosetReader xmlreader = dec.getReader();
XMLDocument doc = (XMLDocument)domimpl.createDocument(xmlreader);
TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer transformer;
transformer = tf.newTransformer();
//Convert Xml to String
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
transformer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(writer));
String output = writer.getBuffer().toString();
Use this and write your process accordingly...